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Di-4-ANEPPS, potentiometric probe

Artikel-Nr. Packungseinheit Preis Vorlaufzeit
3429-50ug 50 ug –   Auf Lager
3429-5mg 5 mg $225 Auf Lager
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Di-4-ANEPPS is an Amino-Naphthyl-Ethenyl-Pyridinium (ANEP) family voltage-sensitive dye widely used as a fast-responding membrane potential probe. The dye is non-fluorescent until bound to membranes and fluoresces only in response to electrical potential fluctuations in its environment.

The optical response of Di-4-ANEPPS is fast enough to detect transient (millisecond) potential changes in excitable cells, such as single neurons, cardiac cells, and intact brains. The magnitude of potential-dependent fluorescence change is about 2-10% per 100 mV. The dye also displays a potential-dependent shift in excitation spectrum, permitting the quantitation of cell membrane potential using ratiometric techniques.

Di-4-ANEPPS is quickly internalized by cells, so it is primarily used for short-term studies. We also provide Di-8-ANEPPS, which is more hydrophobic and better retained in the outer leaflet of the cell membrane. Since Di-4-ANEPPS binds to the cell membrane, it can also be used as a plasma membrane and endocytosis marker.

Excitation/emission maxima of Di-4-ANEPPS in methanol are 496/705 nm, respectively. In lipids and cell membranes, the excitation and emission spectra of the dye are typically blue-shifted compared to organic solvent.

Di-4-ANEPPS can be introduced into cells by directly adding the stock solution to the culture medium, using Pluronic® F-127, or retrograde labeling. Use a 5-10 μM working concentration as a starting point. The exact dye concentration should be defined experimentally.

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Di-8-ANEPPS, potentiometrische Sonde

Schnell reagierende, potentialempfindliche fluoreszierende Sonde zur Visualisierung der funktionellen Aktivität von Neuronen und Herzzellen. Der Farbstoff besitzt lipophilere Eigenschaften als andere Farbstoffe der ANEP-Familie, was ihn für Langzeitexperimente besonders geeignet macht.

General properties

Appearance: red solid
Molecular weight: 480.67
CAS number: 90134-00-2
Molecular formula: C28H36N2O3S
Solubility: ethanol, DMF, DMSO
Quality control: NMR 1H and HPLC-MS (95+%)
Storage conditions: 24 months after receival at -20°C in the dark. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Desiccate.
Sicherheitsdatenblatt: herunterladen
Product specifications
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