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Protein labeling is made easier with our new buffer!

Protein labeling buffer is a catalytic buffer for conjugation of azide- or alkyne-modified protein with alkyne- or azide-bearing dye via Cu(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC). This 1.5x ready-to-use catalytic buffer allows the labeling reaction to be run in aqueous solution and protects biomolecules from being damaged by reactive oxygen species. The reaction proceeds in the presence of copper (I) and is insensitive towards a wide range of pH values. The buffer provides all the necessary reagents to perform the CuAAC reaction, except a reagent for the reduction of Cu (II) into catalytically active Cu (I). As a reducing agent we recommend ascorbic acid.

The labeling can be used for proteins with alkyne or azide groups, as well as cells or components from cell lysates after metabolic labeling of glycans with azido sugars. Both azide and alkyne groups are extremely rarely found in natural biomolecules, so the CuAAC reaction in highly specific and effective to handle various tasks.

Lumiprobe also offers Protein labeling kits for the labeling of antibodies and other proteins. Kits contain pre-aliquoted reactive dye, all necessary auxiliary components and buffers, and desalting spin columns.

Request a free trial-size sample of our new catalog addition Protein labeling buffer via our feedback form or website chat and come to appreciate the quality and quick delivery of Lumiprobe reagents.

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